How to Make Discipline Your Secret Weapon
Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings

How to Make Discipline Your Secret Weapon

Creativity by itself may only ever stay in the "potential" state whereas discipline pushes past the idea and into the real world, helping you create the tangible experience you were born to share. Having the discipline to recognize the moment where an idea becomes a path, that’s creative discipline. How do you get there? Intuition is certainly one way, you learn to just feel it, but I’ve personally found that practicing discipline in other areas of your life can generate moments of “discipline awareness” that extend into your creative work.

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Creativity: The Variety Pack Edition
Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings

Creativity: The Variety Pack Edition

As creatives, we thrive on variety, gathering information, and live to question things. We piece things together, reimagine what’s considered possible, and reframe what we know until something just clicks. It’s a nurtured way of thinking that simply becomes a part of our toolkit. We’ve trained our brains to never stop thinking, to constantly be running programs in the background as we go through life, which at times can be both a blessing and a curse. But when and how do we keep feeding the machine that feeds us? The answer is all the time and through endless variety.

There are ways to bring creativity back, you just have to look for it.

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Connection vs Accessibility: Why We're Burning Out On Social Media
Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings

Connection vs Accessibility: Why We're Burning Out On Social Media

Well, we’ve done it … connection at scale has become the norm. All we need is a phone and the internet, and we can literally discover, connect, and communicate with anyone in the world. This is what we’re doing, right? Connecting? I’m not so sure. Granted, this type of connection offers many benefits, but our social brains can’t sustain this diluted form of “connection.” We once survived and thrived in small communities and now we have followers; voyeurs, even, that share in our lives all to provide a quick dopamine hit from our connected digital worlds. A true quantity over quality method of thinking that frankly is emotionally burning us out. Our comparison circles have gotten bigger, our lives have gotten more curated, our attention span has gotten shorter as we scroll and scroll through endless content, and our identities are becoming blurred as our reality morphs into perceived expectations and group-think interpretation.

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