Barbie: Bringing to Life a Brand Icon
Self-Development, Brand Psychology Kelli Binnings Self-Development, Brand Psychology Kelli Binnings

Barbie: Bringing to Life a Brand Icon

Barbie truly is one of the most recognizable and personified brands ever created with a legacy that continues with each new wave of young girls drawn to her ideal image. As long as little girls everywhere continue to play pretend and imagine their pink dreamy worlds, Barbie will live on. In fact, I love to watch my nieces play with the new and improved Barbies of today, all their accessories, new career paths, and creative backstories. Barbie (and Mattel®️) knew how to create a toy that was accessible and admirable to little girls everywhere. Barbie gives them something to project their dreams and aspirations onto in a way that makes them feel like anything is possible.

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How to Make Discipline Your Secret Weapon
Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings

How to Make Discipline Your Secret Weapon

Creativity by itself may only ever stay in the "potential" state whereas discipline pushes past the idea and into the real world, helping you create the tangible experience you were born to share. Having the discipline to recognize the moment where an idea becomes a path, that’s creative discipline. How do you get there? Intuition is certainly one way, you learn to just feel it, but I’ve personally found that practicing discipline in other areas of your life can generate moments of “discipline awareness” that extend into your creative work.

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Creativity: The Variety Pack Edition
Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings

Creativity: The Variety Pack Edition

As creatives, we thrive on variety, gathering information, and live to question things. We piece things together, reimagine what’s considered possible, and reframe what we know until something just clicks. It’s a nurtured way of thinking that simply becomes a part of our toolkit. We’ve trained our brains to never stop thinking, to constantly be running programs in the background as we go through life, which at times can be both a blessing and a curse. But when and how do we keep feeding the machine that feeds us? The answer is all the time and through endless variety.

There are ways to bring creativity back, you just have to look for it.

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Do Aliens Think and Act Like Us?
Brand Psychology, Self-Development Kelli Binnings Brand Psychology, Self-Development Kelli Binnings

Do Aliens Think and Act Like Us?

If I’m being honest, I never really understood the modern concept of “fitting in.” Sure we all want to belong somewhere, be liked by others, etc., but that should never be at the cost of being and thinking for ourselves.

We offer so much more to each other when we think and act outside of a hive mentality. Despite our behavioral efforts, our brains are simply wired differently. We are given the opportunity to interpret life, frame ideas, and explore our unique place in the world all from the lens of our own experiences. That's pretty freakin' cool. However, we are constantly wrestling with the balance between individuality and conformity. Why do we feel the need to fit in (and be accepted) at a seemingly fundamental level?

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6 Ways to Humanize Your Brand Experience
Self-Development, Brand Culture Kelli Binnings Self-Development, Brand Culture Kelli Binnings

6 Ways to Humanize Your Brand Experience

It may seem obvious, impossible to ignore even, the emotional element that’s been infused into marketing and advertising over, I don’t know, the last 20 years? The tear jerking commercials, the touchy-feely taglines, and all the feel good brand partnerships that seem to flood your TV, social feeds, and web browsers; all designed to make you feel something, to connect with a brand. It’s not trickery, it’s simply where we are. A product or service is no longer the main differentiator, it’s how brands make people feel that keep them coming back. Customers are looking for an enjoyable experience on top of what they already expect from a business. They long to connect with something/someone that’s worth their time, their effort, and their money, all of which is integral to your business’ growth. Consumers are making buying decisions and judging brands with the same level of scrutiny as they would a personal connection, and while that does make our jobs more difficult, it’s a great way to force brands to own who they really are.

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Connection vs Accessibility: Why We're Burning Out On Social Media
Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings Self-Development, Psychology Kelli Binnings

Connection vs Accessibility: Why We're Burning Out On Social Media

Well, we’ve done it … connection at scale has become the norm. All we need is a phone and the internet, and we can literally discover, connect, and communicate with anyone in the world. This is what we’re doing, right? Connecting? I’m not so sure. Granted, this type of connection offers many benefits, but our social brains can’t sustain this diluted form of “connection.” We once survived and thrived in small communities and now we have followers; voyeurs, even, that share in our lives all to provide a quick dopamine hit from our connected digital worlds. A true quantity over quality method of thinking that frankly is emotionally burning us out. Our comparison circles have gotten bigger, our lives have gotten more curated, our attention span has gotten shorter as we scroll and scroll through endless content, and our identities are becoming blurred as our reality morphs into perceived expectations and group-think interpretation.

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Why Companies Need to Immerse Their People in Their Brand
Brand Culture, Self-Development Kelli Binnings Brand Culture, Self-Development Kelli Binnings

Why Companies Need to Immerse Their People in Their Brand

I read an article the other day from Fast Company titled “This is why no one wants to be a middle manager anymore.” This appropriately titled article accurately addresses the challenges of stress and anxiety, mental burnout, and the seemingly overall dissatisfaction and missed marks of these mid-tier employees. Can you blame them?! Aren’t we all feeling high stress and anxiety levels, some version of burnout and an overall dissatisfaction with the state of things these days? This is a humanity issue, not just an employee or, in the case of this article, a middle manager issue. We are all feeling the pressure of immense change around us, from social culture issues and pandemics to shifts in workplace dynamics and everyone battling with “this is not where I saw myself” thinking. So needless to say, companies and/or brand ecosystems are feeling it too.

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Understanding Identity: You Are Not What You Do
Self-Development Kelli Binnings Self-Development Kelli Binnings

Understanding Identity: You Are Not What You Do

It’s pretty easy to default to what you do when describing who you are. You hear it all the time, at parties, during interviews, on dates, etc. Why is it when we hear the question ‘so tell me a little about yourself’ we freeze up and have a million thoughts cross our minds. I mean we know who we are, right? Why is it so hard to articulate that sometimes? And when we finally do, why do we start with what we do? The answer is it’s easier to hide behind the roles and titles we hold in life rather than going into detail about who we are. It feels too personal so we suit up with our armor and have a battle of titles and descriptions.

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10 Truths That Will Change Your Perspective
Self-Development Kelli Binnings Self-Development Kelli Binnings

10 Truths That Will Change Your Perspective

This is not a ‘how to’ guide for life planning or fulfilled living. I’m not sure I’d even read it myself if it claimed to be; why because life is subjective. No one is walking in your shoes but you. What these ‘10 truths’ are though, are reminders, quick check ins that provide thought provoking stopping points for you to interpret your own life direction, potentiality and current path. A way for you to align with your thoughts, self-doubts, fears and quite simply, the reality that life is what you think it to be.

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10 Challenges That Will Change How You Think
Self-Development Kelli Binnings Self-Development Kelli Binnings

10 Challenges That Will Change How You Think

Every single day we face challenges. Sometimes we let them get the best of us, sometimes we rise above them. Whether professionally or personally, we spend most of our days letting others challenge us but we should be challenging ourselves. Why does Karen in HR get to test our patience but we don’t? Why does hearing advice from your best friend ring more true than what you tell yourself? Why do we let other people cajole us into where we’re going when we should be the ones leading the way? Well most of us care too much about what other people think, even more so than what we think of ourselves. Putting the happiness of others ahead of our own is far too common. The best way to challenge that is to challenge ourselves. These 10 challenges will help you reflect, refocus and realign with the things that matter most to you.

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